Tuesday, July 20, 2010


By Nadia Smith -

June 3rd this night we performed in front of people mostly in their late teens and 20s. Had a blast. Luciano has been perfoming his dancing skills and the people love it. Especially the guys. They wanted his odograph!!! :) after it was over, we got to pray for people and visit. Nadia had seen a lady that was getting prayed for and felt moved to go and talk. With her. She asked the translator what she was getting prayer for and she found out that she had holes in her ears and she was scheduled to have surgery done next week and she was realy afraid. So immediatly she felt the Spirit move her and she said there came a boldness and strenght come out of her mouth saying, "you will NOT have surgery, you will be healed before then. It will be cancelled!" the translor translated and she started crying! She started thanking me but I told her, NO, it's Jesus, Jesus, Jesus and kept pointing upward. She then started nodding and saying praises to Jesus! Then she told her that the devil will come and try to convince you it isn't going to happen and doubting her, bit to keep turning to God and thanking Him for the healing He is going to do for her and to believe!!! She then started to cry again and so did her and the translator. Nadia says she couldn't describe the confidence The Spirit gave her, it wasn't me speaking, she said.

June 6th tonight, God was really glorified!!! We went to a village and shared our program to some of the church members there and Mikaylah explained the "FACES" skit and Nadia explained the "RamaLama" skit and Ashley shared her testimony. People started coming up to the front for prayer without us ever giving the invitation. It was all God moving them and bring them to convition. People were forgiven and healed and set free. It was a beautiful sight to see.

Then later that evening, we walked to like the main steet or flow where lots of people were hanging. And did an open-air. We gathered what we could and that was about 100 or more people watching and listening. We started off by doing The FACES skit and Kevin explained and then shared his testimony. Then we did The RamaLama skit and Nadia explained and shared her testiomony and then she gave the Gospel message. People started coming up towards us for prayer for healings and salvation!!! one lady came up and asked for prayer for her leg. Nadia prayed and then Ashley prayed again. she then started shaking and Nadia said she felt a the Spirit, like a jolt move through her and out through her arm to the lady. After we all prayed, she told us she was HEALED!!!! Thank you Jesus!!! She had no more pain. we also prayed for several men about a random sickness that would randomly come and go. We also prayed for a man who had pain in his hands and then prayed for a man who wanted to be free from alochol addition and then a man who also got saved that night that wanted prayer for him and his wife who had been Trying to have children for the pass 2 years and no success. I tell you it was a wonderful experience to see God work in amazing ways. Salvation came that night and healing came down from Heaven. GO GOD!!!!


Posted via email from Team Indiland 2010

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