Saturday, July 31, 2010

That's DOPP! (what's in your dopp kit?)

I've been travelling India for almost 2 months now. I thought long and hard about the items in my DOPP kit. The contents would have to last me 3 months and keep me looking and feeling fresh and clean cut. Despite the fact that I'm taking bucket showers and wearing the same Levi 501's and leather shoes everyday.

So what do you have in your Dopp Kit travellers?

Germ-X no mess hand sanitizer
Naturally Fresh roll on deoderant
Herbal Clear Deoderant
Extra contacts
Tiger Balm
Crew Product
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Shave Secret
Merkur Safety razor
Replacement Blades
Stiptic Pencil
Cutco pocket knife
Plastic comb
File, fingernail cutters, toenail cutters, tweezers, scissors
David Beckham Instinct
Neosporin Pain formula
Crest and a toothbrush


Posted via email from Josh Brown

Thursday, July 29, 2010

To see: Machete

So Grindhouse had an in movie advert for Machete. So glad they actually made it in to a film. Now to see if it's any good.
Gonna go into it blind. No trailers... Expecting over the top gore... Hoping it's not, but instead smartly done.

Sept. 3rd 


Posted via email from Josh Brown

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Not again Apple

Remember my post just a little while ago about the Apple Pro line? Well the Mac Pro got a refresh yesterday and a disgraceful one it was.

Thoughts from one more eloquent than I here:


Posted via email from Josh Brown

Monday, July 26, 2010

P Diddy in Vellore

By Mikaylah Keith

We left Vellore this morning at 9:40am after waiting at the bus stop for over 2.5 hrs. We are learning many things in India but more than anything we are learning patience and flexibility.
We had a pretty uneventful 4 hour ride to Dharmapuri. The most exciting thing that happened was a woman leaned over Denise and Erin to throw up out the window. Other than that it was quite pleasant.
When we arrived at Pastor Daniel's house we were immediately treated to a wonderful Indian lunch. Pastor Daniel is a great man, full of joy and enthusiasm for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. We all like him a lot despite his force feeding us at lunch. Indian hospitality, especially when it comes to P Daniel, can be summed up in two words "eat more". If you finish the first half of the first searving you will be given a second helping no matter how full you are ir how small of a stomach you claim to have.
So after a slightly suffocating but delicious meal we were taken to our housing. After a 3 hour nap (heaven!) we drove to another part of the city where we gathered on the sidewalk of a quiet street (a rarity in India). Every Sunday evening P Daniel comes here to provide a meal and share Jesus with the homeless. After they sang a few worship songs in Tamil, our team sang a song and Lusiano shared his testimony.
We passed out the food and prayed for these precious people. A few suffered from leprosy and were missing fingers, others were sick and couldn't work. One man lost his wife and could not work because he is sick and provides for himself and his little daughter by begging and stealing. There is so much needed here!
On our way "home" we stopped and sat in an outside Christian crusade going on in the city. We didn't understand a word that was said but it was so encouraging to see so many Indian believers and dozens that answered the altar call.

Jesus is moving and working in India. Stowtrom (praise the lord).

- Mikaylah

"There is so much more from Mikaylah to post, but her journal borders on becoming a volume of works akin to Dickens."

Posted via email from Team Indiland 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Paradise in India.

Guess what we just found

Baskin Robins


Posted via email from Team Indiland 2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010

We've arrived in Chenai!

We just set our bags down and are taking a break. You all know how much travelling tires you out... Traveling in a foreign country is that x2.


Posted via email from Team Indiland 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

India waterfalls

So we had a "day off" and decided to visit some waterfalls. You should hav seen it. The water was... Falling!


Posted via email from Josh Brown

India waterfalls

So we had a "day off" and decided to visit some waterfalls. You should hav seen it. The water was... Falling!


Posted via email from Team Indiland 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Land of Vellore

Hello to all, we have been in Vellore for the past week.  We started our journey to Vellore on our first experience ridding the public bus.  These buses are just like your typical greyhound buses.  Except for the fact that they have no A/C and no Toilet.  Our travel time from Trichy to Vellore was suppose to be about 6 to 7 hours.  It troubled me to think that I would travel this long without using the toilet.  Luckily with the heat and everything my bladder has been a lot easier to control.  After traveling on a main highway for awhile we suddenly found ourselves on a very bumpy ride.  In the end our travel time was cut to about 5 hours, it was a shocker to all of us as well as our host.
While in Vellore we have been able to do a bunch of different things.  We have gone to orphanages, villages, churches, small groups, as well as schools.  I would like to highlight a couple of the places and people we met.  During our time here two people have really jumped out at me, Alfred and Pastor Charles.  I am going to tell you about Alfreds story.  Alfred is the founder of a school for students with Cerebral Palsy.  The thing about Alfred is that he also has Cerebral Palsy.  His story goes something like this.  When Alfred was born his parents had dreams of him becoming a doctor to follow in his families footsteps.  Well Alfred was born with Cerebral Palsy and was unable to walk.  As he grew older he hit a point in his life where he was discouraged about his condition.  He talked to God about his condition and was frustrated at the "card" he was dealt.  Soon after this he felt the Lord had brought him to Isaiah 60:1  When he got this verse Alfred started to work on trying to walk.  After 2 years of hard work he was finally able to start walking with the help of crutches.  Then he got another word from the Lord that he was suppose to open up a school for people like him.  That it would be a training school where kids could learn to walk and learn to overcome their condition.  Alfred fought God on this and couldn't see how he could have such a school.  After 7 years of resisting what God had put into his heart to do he was again brought to Isaiah 60:1.  Through this verse he has been able to arise and do amazing things for kids like him.  He now has a deeper vision of owning some land and having a bigger center where kids and their parents can stay and overcome Cerebral Palsy.
Alfreds story reminded me that God doesn't see what we see.  God has a way of seeing the heart in person.  What we call a hindrance, he may see potential.
Our time in Vellore has been great and the Lord has blessed us with a wonderful host and we have enjoyed the different varieties in our meals.  Ridding in the Auto Rickshaws have also been a great adventure.  Josh was able to find some fireworks, so tonight we will celebrate the 4th.

 Blessings from Indiland 
Kevin Wood

Posted via email from Team Indiland 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Nadia in Trichy

By Nadia Smith -

So for the past few weeks we have been at the Trichy base and have been doing a lot of poineering for this new base. We are their first YWAM DTS team that has come for an outreach. So they have taken us all over to orphangages, schools, villages and churches to get them aquanted and to build relationships so that they and other future teams can come and peform for them again.

June 30th we went to a celebral palsey disease children center. About 100 children come everyday here to try and learn basic living skills such as walking reading getting ready for the day etc. Some of us felt a real sadness and knew it was God showing us His heart for His children.

Posted via email from Team Indiland 2010


By Nadia Smith -

June 3rd this night we performed in front of people mostly in their late teens and 20s. Had a blast. Luciano has been perfoming his dancing skills and the people love it. Especially the guys. They wanted his odograph!!! :) after it was over, we got to pray for people and visit. Nadia had seen a lady that was getting prayed for and felt moved to go and talk. With her. She asked the translator what she was getting prayer for and she found out that she had holes in her ears and she was scheduled to have surgery done next week and she was realy afraid. So immediatly she felt the Spirit move her and she said there came a boldness and strenght come out of her mouth saying, "you will NOT have surgery, you will be healed before then. It will be cancelled!" the translor translated and she started crying! She started thanking me but I told her, NO, it's Jesus, Jesus, Jesus and kept pointing upward. She then started nodding and saying praises to Jesus! Then she told her that the devil will come and try to convince you it isn't going to happen and doubting her, bit to keep turning to God and thanking Him for the healing He is going to do for her and to believe!!! She then started to cry again and so did her and the translator. Nadia says she couldn't describe the confidence The Spirit gave her, it wasn't me speaking, she said.

June 6th tonight, God was really glorified!!! We went to a village and shared our program to some of the church members there and Mikaylah explained the "FACES" skit and Nadia explained the "RamaLama" skit and Ashley shared her testimony. People started coming up to the front for prayer without us ever giving the invitation. It was all God moving them and bring them to convition. People were forgiven and healed and set free. It was a beautiful sight to see.

Then later that evening, we walked to like the main steet or flow where lots of people were hanging. And did an open-air. We gathered what we could and that was about 100 or more people watching and listening. We started off by doing The FACES skit and Kevin explained and then shared his testimony. Then we did The RamaLama skit and Nadia explained and shared her testiomony and then she gave the Gospel message. People started coming up towards us for prayer for healings and salvation!!! one lady came up and asked for prayer for her leg. Nadia prayed and then Ashley prayed again. she then started shaking and Nadia said she felt a the Spirit, like a jolt move through her and out through her arm to the lady. After we all prayed, she told us she was HEALED!!!! Thank you Jesus!!! She had no more pain. we also prayed for several men about a random sickness that would randomly come and go. We also prayed for a man who had pain in his hands and then prayed for a man who wanted to be free from alochol addition and then a man who also got saved that night that wanted prayer for him and his wife who had been Trying to have children for the pass 2 years and no success. I tell you it was a wonderful experience to see God work in amazing ways. Salvation came that night and healing came down from Heaven. GO GOD!!!!


Posted via email from Team Indiland 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

India thus far

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Spontanious Revival meeting in India

So we're driving home and what do we see? A huge revival meeting going on. So we decide to stop in. Crazy! Over 1000 people probably in an empty lot.

Posted via email from Josh Brown